Summer Fling Page 8
“I’ll be happy to drink on your money next time.” Kate smugly pointed at them. “What are the rules of the bet?”
“That you’re gonna sleep with her next weekend,” Viv said.
“Ooh. I’ll take the over-under by a week,” Didi said.
Kate chuckled heartily. “Yeah, right. I just met her, and I’m going to sleep with her next weekend?” she asked Viv. “Or this weekend?” she asked Didi, more incredulous. “I’m gonna eat and drink like a Roman emperor after I prove you both wrong.”
“Do we have a bet?” Viv asked.
Kate placed her hand between them, and they piled theirs on top.
Chapter Seven
The Payoff
Unlike lunch on Saturday when Kate and Jordan crunched along on eggshells of nerves and self-consciousness, this time something was different. They watched each other’s eyes through the glimmer of candles in the center of the table as they ate and floated along a current of easy conversation. Kate recalled the bet she’d made with the girls the night before and tried not to let her amusement show on her face. Or was the impetuous smile threatening to break out and betray her secrets the result of good wine, good company, and a connection that seemed unnaturally natural?
“Your scampi was scrumptious.” Kate dabbed her mouth while savoring the last bite of buttery garlic-and-herb shrimp.
“Thank you.” Jordan smiled. “Cooking is a relatively new endeavor for me. I used to have more take-out numbers in my phone than friends.”
“I don’t believe that for a minute. You’re obviously a closet gourmet.”
“Well, now that the secret’s out…I didn’t want to reveal all my mysteries on the first date. It would’ve spoiled the intrigue.”
“Yeah, about that first date.” Kate squirmed as the vivid recollection returned like a relapse of bronchitis. “I wanted to apologize for my rather swift departure. I uh, I’m not quite sure what that was all about.”
“No need to apologize. You’re not the first woman who ran out on me after the first kiss,” Jordan said with a grin.
“That’s such a lie. But I do appreciate your diplomacy.”
“It was my fault anyway. I should’ve kept my lips to myself.”
Kate sighed as she tugged at the ends of her cloth napkin. “Unfortunately, the onus of that debacle belongs to me. Being out of the dating loop for ages, I realized last Saturday that regardless of what they say, it’s not just like riding a bike, not for me anyway.”
“As far as I’m concerned, that was just lunch and this is just dinner with a friend,” Jordan said. “But if you insist on taking the blame for that kiss, then it was your fault for being adorable.”
When Jordan whisked the dirty dishes to the sink, Kate exhaled in the heat of either a hot flash or a blush in full bloom. It had to be the latter since she’d had to rummage through her mind to recall the last time anyone called her that. It never seemed to apply. She smiled. Considering what a lawyer was accustomed to being called, she’d take adorable.
“Really, you haven’t dated much since Lydia?” Jordan asked from the galley kitchen.
“Um, let’s see…” Kate fondled the stem of her wineglass as she pretended to search for the answer. “Three dates, and two of them were with you.”
“No way. That means you haven’t had sex in like years.” She stated it as though Kate was being informed of it for the first time.
Kate arched an eyebrow. “That sounds about right.”
Jordan returned to the table, wringing her hands. “Wow, that was rude. I totally wish I’d run that through my head before saying it.”
Kate giggled. “It’s a lot less clichéd than favorite films and authors. Besides, it’s refreshing not being the one putting her foot in her mouth.”
“I’m happy to oblige,” Jordan said.
“I like the ambience.” Kate picked at the wax hardening on the tablecloth, suddenly not so self-conscious.
“Thanks. More wine?”
As Jordan reached over the kitchen counter to get a new bottle of white, Kate furtively admired the grace of her form. “Yes, please,” she said, lifting her glass.
“Isn’t this body incredible?”
“I beg your pardon?” Kate fumbled her glass as Jordan poured, sending a dribble of chardonnay onto the tablecloth.
“The wine,” Jordan said. “I love the oaky finish. Normally, when I buy a bottle, I get change back from a ten, so this is a real treat. Here. Let me get that.”
As she stretched across the table to blot the wet spots with her napkin, Kate inhaled deeply. Jordan smelled like she’d just run through a waterfall, fresh and outdoorsy.
“Still wet?”
This girl was killing her.
“Uh…” Kate felt another flare of embarrassment engulf her face. “No. It’s fine. Thanks.”
Jordan glided into the chair next to Kate instead of across from her. “So what does Kate Randall do for fun?”
“Hmm.” Kate hesitated. A response that didn’t sound pathetic didn’t exactly roll off the tongue. “Well, I love my job, so that’s kind of fun. Also, Didi and Viv and I attend and host fund-raisers for several LGBTQ organizations. They’re pretty fun, too, as you may have already gathered.”
Jordan nodded, then tilted her head to the side as though in awe of Kate. “You help people in everything you do.”
“It’s not that altruistic. We drink at these events. A lot. Cash bar, of course.”
“Oh, of course. But it’s still so awesome that’s how you spend your free time. Your clients and the people who benefit from the money raised are lucky to have you on their side. You know, I might be able to volunteer my musical services at a future event if you think you could use them.”
This girl was amazing.
“Really? That’s great. If you’re free, there’s a cocktail party at the Oceanview next month for True Colors.”
“I’ll check my schedule, but it shouldn’t be a problem. I’d love to help.”
Jordan returned Kate’s smile with one full of invitation. And innuendo.
“I bet you could use some dessert.” She flitted over to the refrigerator and pulled out two flute glasses filled with tiramisu.
“That looks lethal. Don’t tell me you made that, too?”
“I might have.” She winked at Kate as she handed her a spoon.
“Isn’t there anything you don’t do well?”
Jordan tapped her finger over her lips, pretending to think. “First kisses.” Then, in a sexy drawl, “But if you let me have a do-over, I guarantee you won’t run away this time.”
“I have no doubt,” Kate said, testing a flirty lilt of her own. Not bad, Randall.
Leaning on her elbow, Jordan stretched toward Kate and gave her a soft, cinnamon kiss.
Kate opened her eyes and stared at Jordan’s mouth as it retreated from hers. “Mmm, flavored kisses. That’ll definitely keep a girl from running.”
“That and the bolt I put on the outside of the door.”
Kate laughed and kissed her back.
“Would you like to watch a movie or step out onto the deck?” Jordan asked.
“Let’s clean this up first.” Kate carried the dessert dishes into the kitchen.
“Kate, I can do this later.”
But she was already at the sink. In the less-romantic fluorescent lighting of the kitchen, Jordan leaned into her shoulder as they rinsed the dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher.
“Thanks for helping,” Jordan said.
The closeness electrified her even if she couldn’t tell whether Jordan’s nearness was intentional. “You went to such lengths to prepare this incredible meal,” she said. “How could I in good conscience not help?”
“Okay. Since you’re practically begging me to take advantage of you, far be it from me to refuse.”
“We’re still talking about the pots and pans, right?”
Jordan giggled. “Why? Do I have another option?”
�I don’t know. It’s been so long, I kind of feel like a virgin again.”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but I think I’d have an easier time courting a virgin.”
Kate scrunched up her face. “You mean people don’t usually welcome the challenge of cracking down the walls of a woman scorned?”
Jordan laughed. “I’ll take the virgin any day. The degree of difficulty involved in seducing one of them can’t be as high as a scorned woman.”
“You know, when someone says they’d prefer wooing a virgin over me, I think it’s time I start cultivating a new image.”
Jordan stopped scrubbing. “I’m only teasing, Kate. Honestly, I have no agenda. I just enjoy being with you.”
“Me, too,” Kate said with a smile.
Smiling back, Jordan absently grabbed the hose to rinse the sauté pan and accidentally sprayed Kate in the face. “Oh, jeez, I’m sorry,” she gasped and seemed desperate to suppress a smirk.
“It’s okay,” Kate said calmly. She wiped her face with the top of her forearm.
Jordan continued choking back giggles as they resumed their assembly line of dishwashing, but alas, a few gurgles escaped.
“The least you can do is not laugh,” Kate said, further fueling Jordan’s fit.
“I’m sorry,” Jordan pleaded. Kate could hear a low rumble of laughter bubble in her throat. “You’re making it worse telling me not to.”
“It’s my fault again, huh?” Kate wiggled her fingers under the faucet and flicked a spray of droplets into Jordan’s face.
“Hey,” Jordan cried. “I said I was sorry.” Laughter now pouring out, she wiped off the smattering of water with her palm.
“There,” Kate said smugly. “Now we’re even.”
Glaring at Kate, Jordan began whistling the theme from the climactic gun-fight scene in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
“What are you doing?” Kate asked, alarmed.
“There are two of us but only one weapon.” She nodded toward the hose attachment. “On the count of three, we draw for it. One…”
“Jordan, let’s not get carried away.”
“Come on. We’re going to get soaked,” Kate said, getting silly.
“Three,” Jordan shouted.
Four hands descended on the hose, pressing the lever and shooting a fountain of water into the air that rained down on their heads.
After the screaming and shrieks of laughter died down, Jordan licked a splash of water that landed on her lip. Kate suffered the most damage, her splattered face and forearms itchy with droplets. She blinked the wetness out of her eyelashes and then kissed water off Jordan’s lips.
“So much for the water-conservation effort,” Jordan said, panting.
“Some environmentalists we are.”
Kate cleared her throat nervously as another one of those fight-or-flight impulses threatened to crash their party. But this time she decided to ride it out even though the desire in Jordan’s eyes had her trembling inside. She wanted to kiss her again, but each one they shared seemed to be ushering them closer and closer to the point of no return.
“Did you know this building used to be an old bra factory?” Jordan said, suddenly seeming nervous.
Kate chuckled. “How rich with symbolism.”
When Jordan licked her lips, Kate almost felt them graze hers.
“You want to see the rest of the place?”
“Sure. It’ll give me a chance to air-dry.”
“Follow me.”
Kate trailed Jordan down the narrow hallway, eyeing her curves in those jeans. The bedroom was only feet away.
“Here’s the bathroom,” Jordan said. “This is an original glass doorknob. I found it at a consignment shop. Isn’t it wild?”
“It sure is,” Kate said. “Oooh. A claw-foot bathtub.” She brushed past Jordan to get a closer look. “I love these.”
“Me, too. My grandmother had one.”
“Mine, too. I loved taking bubble baths in them.”
Kate turned around, not expecting Jordan to be standing so close. She stepped back and almost tumbled over the side into the tub. Jordan grabbed hold of her shirt to steady her, accidentally pulling it out of the waistband of her pants.
“I’m sorry,” Jordan said, releasing her grip. “I didn’t mean to do that.”
“What? Save me from a concussion?” Kate smiled as she straightened out her top.
“No. I just didn’t want you to think…”
Kate nodded. “You can relax, Jordan. I think I’m past the point of taking off on you—I think.” She spread her lips into a smile.
“After-dinner mint?” Jordan displayed a small tin of mints she’d dug out of her front pocket.
“Sure.” Kate’s heart thundered at the implication. She plucked two out of the open box, tossed them into her mouth, and crunched them between her molars.
“And the last stop on our tour…the bedroom.” Jordan extended her arm in a flourish like a game-show hostess.
Kate brushed past her in the hall but stopped short of entering the bedroom. What was she thinking, about to just stroll right in? The way Jordan had revved her up, if she had, chances were she wouldn’t be coming out of there any time soon. Was she ready for that? This felt more and more like a game of seduction, and Kate had better keep her wits in check so she’d be ready for Jordan’s next move.
Jordan flicked the switch, and a small lamp on her nightstand went on. As she whirled around to face Kate, she absently raked her hair back with her fingers. Kate measured every inch of the supple contour of Jordan’s torso and firm breasts as they expanded the cotton of her black tank top. After that, rational thought no longer guided Kate’s actions as she glided into the bedroom as though on a moving walkway between airport terminals.
“This is it.” Jordan sighed wistfully as she backed into position in the doorway, making a panicked escape virtually impossible. “It looked a lot bigger before I moved my ginormous furniture in.”
The queen-size bed swallowed the space, leaving a narrow perimeter to accommodate two dressers, two guitar stands, and a computer station with a microphone and recording devices.
Kate thought for a moment. “You manage the space well. It’s an artful experiment in conservation.”
“I like that,” Jordan said. “Makes what I’m paying a month in rent sound less ridiculous.”
Kate smiled as the back of her legs grazed the poofy bed skirt, warning her of the bed’s proximity.
“I’m sorry if I keep staring at you,” Jordan said softly. “You’re just so beautiful.” She lowered her eyes as though the compliment might have offended Kate. “If you have somewhere else you need to be, I’ll understand.”
Posed against the door frame, Jordan presented an impenetrable force field of sex appeal. Kate could feel her body heat radiating toward her as the distance between them slowly disappeared.
They stood nose to nose, fingers entwined in front of them, giggling softly as their lips grazed back and forth slightly in a tantalizing duet that drove Kate out of her mind. She wanted so badly for Jordan to shove her down on the mattress, pin her there, and drive the fear from her heart. But Jordan wasn’t impolite like that. Kate grabbed Jordan’s face in her hands and kissed her harder, her frustration pulsating throughout her as they’d raced well past the point of manners.
Jordan whimpered at the forcefulness. Her delicate panting showed Kate she was ready for her. Consumed by passion, she pushed Jordan against the wall, and they stared at each other, Jordan’s eyelids heavy as she submitted to Kate’s control. Slowly Kate kissed her, flicking her tongue around her lips, teasing her almost vindictively. When Jordan’s hands began roaming up her back, Kate restrained them.
“I want you so bad,” Jordan whispered.
Holding Jordan’s hands behind her back and her body against the wall, Kate devoured her neck and earlobe, prompting a loud moan of pleasure.
What was happening to her? She was going
all Fifty Shades of Grey on Jordan, tossing her around like a blow-up doll. But the power and eroticism in the control she had over this sultry, beautiful young woman was an aphrodisiac right out of an Aphrodite myth.
As Kate continued to taunt her, Jordan started to wriggle her arms free. She slowly backed Kate toward the bed as her mouth and hands explored with hungry determination. With every stroke of Jordan’s fingers, every part of her body came alive. They stopped at the edge of the bed long enough for Jordan to unbutton Kate’s silky shirt.
“Kate…” Jordan whispered again.
“What?” Kate whispered impatiently.
“I know it’s been a while since—”
“Don’t worry. This is definitely like riding a bicycle.”
“But if you’re not ready, I don’t mind wai—”
Kate clutched a fistful of Jordan’s belt buckle and jerked her down on top of her, caressing the taut muscles in Jordan’s upper back.
She shivered as Jordan kissed her chin and descended slowly down her neck, across her collarbone, any part of exposed skin her lips could access. The longing was almost too much to bear, especially when Jordan’s tongue discovered that magic spot behind her ear. She glided her hands around Jordan’s hips and pushed their bodies together into a grinding motion. Where had this passion come from? If she had experienced it to those heights before, memories of it were nowhere to be found. Only Jordan. That wild hair tickling her skin and luscious lips she’d daydreamed about biting. It was more than just the release after years of deprivation. With Jordan, her spirit felt as satisfied as her body was about to.
Kate gasped when Jordan grabbed her wrists and pinned them down above her head.
“Everything okay?” Jordan asked.
“Yes, fine,” Kate said, writhing beneath her.
“I mean if we’re moving too fast—”
“Jordan, another minute of you kissing me like that, and I won’t be responsible for my actions.” She freed herself from Jordan’s control and rolled on top of her.
Jordan moaned softly as she wrapped her long legs around Kate. “Make love to me, Kate. I can’t take it anymore.” She ripped Kate’s shirt out of her pants and dug her fingers into her back.